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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Candy canes

Awhile ago I posted  about "On my way to a candy tour". Until it happens I shouldn't post anything! Because things change, and frankly just trying to get ready to go with all 6 of us kids can happen in the span of time it takes for an activity to close. But today it actually happened. Minutes before the last tour started we got our little green identification stickers and paper hats with the stores name on them. Exploiting little overly excited kids for advertising. Classy...  In fact there were 2 families that came in to the tour LATER then us. Unless you know my family you have NO idea what a miracle it was that we actually made it. 

This had nothing to do with candy canes , but they make other candies so its some sugary mixture they are cooling.

This was one of my favorite machines. Its making the candy cane mixture pliable so the can mold it into a Candy cane loaf.

The great candy cane loaf. Don't lie to yourself, you want one. It can weigh anywhere from 45-90 lbs!
 Its the Mom candy cane.

The ultimate result! Huge,glorious,over-the-top, candy canes! Mine was cherry with chocolate filling. I may never have anything but gourmet candy canes again.
My family's candy cane flavors:
Apple pie
Root beer
Ginger ( Which was actually really good)
According to my sister hers was a glittery,thingy that was red...Oh yeah cinnamon.

These are not my pictures and I found them online. I do not claim to own them.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Dooms day post.

Thought I'd contribute to all that dooms day going on out there. My mom found this saying and I twisted it a bit. ;)

Bad news! Today is NOT Friday! :(

More Bad news! Tomorrow is still not Friday!:'(

REALLY bad news! The day after that is still not our beloved FRIDAY!

The worst news! On Friday we're supposedly dead. I bet you wish it wasn't Friday.

Note my sarcasm. But if I am wrong, Jesus coming back would be the best Christmas EVER!

Monday, December 17, 2012

The spork

While I was writing my profile page for this blog I noticed a RANDOM question at the end. It made me laugh so I thought I would share.

      Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?

I get asked that a lot so I had to shake up my answer. I believe Forks did not evolve from spoons! Otherwise why would there still be a spoon at my service when ever I want soup? But they did have a kid. Named Spork! It is a really utensil. And it is appreciated by people while eating coleslaw. So   Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons? If so why or why not?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No Virus!

Good NEWs - No signs of a geek infected virus. Bad NEWs - Slightly concerned with that fact that I typed my blog name into my oh-so- trusted and beloved Google as GASP! I couldn't even find my own blog! I'm the sole writer and reader. A really bad combination considering I'm a really good  tough critiquer and cowering person that has a fear of harsh judgement. Well off to the free amazing candy shop tour. I heard they have ORANGE candy canes! My kind-of candy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Incredibly confused by this whole blog business. Should I be brutally honest? Be mysterious with as many over the top, stretching the truth, hollywood affected confusing allis characters as possible? Sort of like my Grandma's soap opras ( There is no rolling eye little guy so imagine it, old fashioned but fascinating!) Stories that only roughly, with a good imagination and squinting of your inner eye and ignoring of your common sense make it worth you continuing to read this random bunny trail of a blog? If you've gotten this far your already ignoring your God given common sense telling you that you should leave this blog right now. Its dangerous for your socially acceptable sanity. I don't know what I'll write or post, But I'm excited for this place where I can share my journey. But quiet frankly, right now I'm just praying I have actually created a blog and that I didn't type my Email and password into some holiday scam geek's data base where he sends a virus that crashes my computer. We shall see tomorrow. Until then ME ;) (Not you, even if you read it out loud)