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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Incredibly confused by this whole blog business. Should I be brutally honest? Be mysterious with as many over the top, stretching the truth, hollywood affected confusing allis characters as possible? Sort of like my Grandma's soap opras ( There is no rolling eye little guy so imagine it, old fashioned but fascinating!) Stories that only roughly, with a good imagination and squinting of your inner eye and ignoring of your common sense make it worth you continuing to read this random bunny trail of a blog? If you've gotten this far your already ignoring your God given common sense telling you that you should leave this blog right now. Its dangerous for your socially acceptable sanity. I don't know what I'll write or post, But I'm excited for this place where I can share my journey. But quiet frankly, right now I'm just praying I have actually created a blog and that I didn't type my Email and password into some holiday scam geek's data base where he sends a virus that crashes my computer. We shall see tomorrow. Until then ME ;) (Not you, even if you read it out loud)

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